Welcome To Our New Offices
This week we moved into our new offices, our virtual offices.
I have worked from a remote location most of my entrepreneur career and I have become accustomed to connecting with my clients via conference call and online meetings, but there has always been something missing – team engagement.
There are some great tools out there that keep projects and milestones on track, but for them to work with team members, an essential ingredient is to have them feel physically connected.
There is something about knowing whether your colleague is available in their office or in their work station, and you have the ability to walk up to them and ask a question.
The problem is when you work remotely, your visibility, visually to your team is zero. We can email team members, message them but it’s not the same from a psychological experience.
We are humans, and technology should be implemented to enhance our inter-connectivity with each other.
Our new virtual work-space allows us to see who is in the office, who is available and physically go to an office and ask for a meeting in real time.
I interviewed Toni Portmann, the CEO of Walkabout , which is the platform we are using, and we talk about how this is a powerful tool to have in this new environment of remote working but as we move out of this situation it is a solution that will help businesses grow and scale.
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