Design Principles Enable Control. Control equals Success.
This week I spoke to a very special guest, Bruce Mau the Author of a new book called MC24, which relates to Massive Change, and the 24 Principles of Design that Bruce has developed over the past 20+ years.
The book, tackles the issues of how to implement these principles in a new way of looking at addressing problems, not only for seasoned designers but it is an essential reference content for entrepreneurs, and business leaders that want to understand the importance of looking to change in this new normal environment.
In the interview, Bruce touches on how change can impact the environment, and if designed in the right way gives us the opportunity to help us towards a sustainable planet.
I love what Bruce was saying about how we, as human’s, have to take responsibility in taking charge of designing solutions that delivers “Normal”, and planning the way we move forward, instead of waiting for Change to dictate the “New Normal”.
If we are not in control, “change” can be an extremely dangerous position for Humanity to be placed in.
The answer is; we need massive change to take back control and plan, design and implement these 24 principles in this book.
You can learn more about massive change by visiting
You can Purchase the Book here :
Bruce Mau serves as Chief Design Officer of Freeman, and is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Massive Change Network (MCN), a global design consultancy based in Chicago. The work of the Canadian-born designer, innovator, visionary and author has been dedicated to applying the power of design to transforming the world. Informed by three decades of design studio experience and collaborations with many of the world’s leading artists and architects, cultural institutions and global companies, Mau has evolved his own design thinking methodology to inspire innovative solutions to challenges in any field or environment and on any scale